PHP Examples & Tutorials

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Dealing with the PHP Warning - Creation of dynamic property is deprecated
Jan 6, 2024

Dealing with the PHP Warning - Creation of dynamic property is deprecated

In this example we explain the warning Creation of dynamic property is deprecated since PHP 8 and how to fix it ...

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Example of searching XML file with PHP and XPath
May 4, 2023

Example of searching XML file with PHP and XPath

A basic example of searching XML file using PHP XPath queries ...

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Sanitizing the user input with the PHP filter_var function

Sanitizing the user input with the PHP filter_var function

Nowadays validating the user input in web applications is really important and in this article we review the filter_var function that can be very useful when programming in PHP ...

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Example of a PHP function to resize an image

Example of a PHP function to resize an image

Check an example of how you can resize an image with PHP ...

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