How to check your site's loading speed and why this is so important for SEO

Learn more about the importance of the fast loading speed of your site and how you can easily check your current site speed and improve it ...

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how to check your site's loading speed and why this is so important for seo

Nowadays, in 2023, Google gives higher priority to page speed, partly because mobile users don't like to wait and they make most of the search queries nowadays. For more details, see the section on mobile devices and SEO.

By the way, computer users don't like to wait either. No matter what device your visitors use, if they have to wait more than 2 or 3 seconds for your website to load, you have a problem. Your visitors will likely move to another site that loads faster, and search engines will bump you down in search results in favor of sites with faster load times. That's doubly bad for your blog or business.
It's always a good idea to check your page speed when you're just starting out, after updates, and whenever you add new features to your site.

How can you tell if your page load speed is good? Use Google's PageSpeed test.

When you enter your website's URL, you'll get numerical results (0-100) for your desktop and mobile load times. If you score well in both categories, you've done it! You can move on to the next section. If your website didn't score well, you'll get a list of suggestions on how to optimize page speed and improve your website's results.

If you're reasonably tech-savvy and comfortable with code, you may be able to make some of the suggested changes yourself. However, if you feel uncomfortable with instructions like "remove rendering-blocking JavaScript", you may need to call in a developer to help you. And if your hosting service delivers slow response times, it might be time to transfer your website to a faster hoster.

Now that you're up to speed, it's time to make it easier for Google to show your content in the best possible light with Schema.

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