Why not to use WordPress for building websites in 2023

Since lately I had to deal with several hacked WordPress sites, in this post I discuss some reasons why not to consider WordPress when building websites ...

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why not to use wordpress for building websites in 2023

Since lately I had to fix several hacked websites created in the past by other developers for my customers, I had an idea to write a brief article about why to avoid using WordPress and not consider it as a first choice. Undeniable WordPress is by far the most popular website content management, used on almost half of the internet sites, but here are a few reasons why someone might choose not to use WordPress:

First and most importantly - Security

Because WordPress is so widely used, it was always the most preferred target for hackers ... with one exploit, it's possible to hack thousands, even millions of websites. When people install many plugins, which is very often the case, it becomes difficult to stay up-to-date with the latest security patches.
WordPress websites can also get infected with malware or viruses, which can cause a number of problems, including data loss, website defacement or spreading malware to other visitors. There are also brute force attacks - attackers can try to gain access to a WordPress website by guessing your username and password using automated tools that try thousands of combinations, and cross-site scripting (XSS) - XSS attacks can be used to inject malicious code into your website, allowing attackers to steal sensitive data or perform other malicious activities.
A very common problem with WordPress plugins is SQL injection security issues. SQL injection attacks can be used to steal data from your website's database or even take control of your entire website.

Performance issues

WordPress can be resource-intensive, meaning it can be slow to load or may have performance issues if not optimized correctly. This can be a problem if you have a high-traffic site or are using a low-powered web hosting provider.
WordPress sites can be bloated with excessive code, which can slow down your site's performance. This can happen if you're using a lot of plugins, or if your site's theme is poorly optimized.
Also another issue are the large image files and plugins not compressing well the uploaded images. Large image files can take a long time to load, which can slow down your site's performance and have a negative impact on SEO.
Something Too many plugins: While plugins can add useful functionality to your site, too many plugins can slow down your site's performance. It's important to only use plugins that you actually need and to disable or remove any plugins that you're not actively using.

Another potential issue is the complexity

WordPress is a powerful platform with many features, but it can also be complex and overwhelming for beginners. Setting up a WordPress site requires some technical knowledge, and managing it can take time and effort.
WordPress also has many customization options, including themes, plugins, and settings. While this is great for advanced users who want to fine-tune their site, it can be overwhelming for beginners who are just getting started. It also requires regular updates to stay secure and optimized. If you're not comfortable with performing updates or managing maintenance tasks, this can be a source of frustration.

Customization limitations

While WordPress offers a lot of customization options through themes and plugins, there can be limitations when it comes to the design or functionality of your website. This can be frustrating if you have a specific vision for your website that cannot be achieved with WordPress.
So if you want to create successful and secure websites, I advise you not to go straight to WordPress, but to consider other specialized, more flexible and better protected website content management systems.

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