NetControl - network monitoring tool written in C#

A standalone Windows app written in C# to monitor network computers for file changes, internet connections, CPU usage and RAM and others ...

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netcontrol - network monitoring tool written in c#

Back in 2005 I created NetControl as a standalone Windows application with the following main features:
- to monitor Internet traffic in a local network (operates mutually with Microsoft ISA - Internet Security and Acceleration Server)
- to pperates in real time and display Internet connections user statistics like total generated traffic per user, web sites visited by specific user for a given period of time, and many others.
- monitor and manage processes running in MS SQL Server databases on remote servers
- display information for the current local network and the possibility to explore remote networks.
- folder watching - possibility to watch for changes of files of specified folders on remote computers; this is very useful if you want to monitor and to control the content of folders and files.
- monitor system performance and providing information like the amount of the free RAM available or the CPU Usage of a remote computer.
- send network messages to other computers on the same network

netcontrol - network monitoring tool written in c#
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netcontrol - network monitoring tool written in c#
netcontrol - network monitoring tool written in c#

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