The maginicient Japan

A trip to the world's largest city remains a vivid memory ...

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the maginicient japan

Back in 2010 I was making a test what's your real nationality and the result was Japanese.

So I decided if I'm Japanese I should go to Japan. If it wasn’t difficult to read panders there too many flights so I get up love has a fly from Germany and arrived in Japan. It’s easy to enter the country since then all these requirements. The first thing that made impression to me was the heath because it is the Japan summer so I know whether this was hot and humid. There are so many things to see in Tokyo and I spent like a week there so I had a very busy day every day and try to these did not do the doors the fractions there. How are you very much for the photo so even if I was waiting most of the time as I was getting food from the supermarkets are still there there there nice food cars there so everything is fine and tasty and I like it very much. I particularly like the beef Japan is some Tories for their boots it’s really very different from the beef that we used to you kick you in in Eastern Europe.

Until the 19th century, Japan's islands were difficult for outsiders to access, a fact that in part helped shape Japanese' attitudes toward foreigners. After the devastating effects of World War II, Japan has emerged as a nation with the third largest economy in the world. It' is home to the world's largest urban metropolis, multi-sensory entertainment and technology, ancient traditions, and deeply rooted culture. Despite all this, Japan's relations with its neighbours are still strained due to the legacy of its actions before and during World War II.

Tokyo - the largest city in the world

Staying in Tokyo for just one week, it would be a challenge to find your way around this huge city. More than any other city I have visited in Japan, this city, the largest metropolitan area in the world, home to some 37 million people, has made me think and raised questions. The pace of life in Tokyo is fast; in fact, I felt it was twice as fast as in London. You get the sense that people walk fast because their every move, every step, is trimmed precisely for efficiency. Directions in Tokyo can be timed to the minute, and if you slow down, you run the risk of being run over.

There is a belief that Japanese are very industrious, but in reality it' is not so simple. It' is true that Japanese culture instils a value system consisting of pride, respect, and honour. Japanese workers often take great pride in their work and have respect for their superiors. Their thinking seems far more community-oriented, a kind of collectivism, and they are willing to work until they drop to prove their loyalty to their company. Perhaps not voluntarily, but the pressure to maintain collective harmony ensures that the outward impression is one of hard work'.

the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan
the maginicient japan

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