An example of a JavaScript function to print the content of a div

An useful example of creating a simple JavaScript function to print the content of a selected DIV on a page ...

Home Programming Examples JavaScript Examples → An example of a JavaScript function to print the content of a div

Sometimes when creating a web page, we may want to add a functionality to print not the whole page, but just some part of it like for example all the information contained in a particular DIV element.

In the example below, we'll create a div element with some content and a JavaScript function that will print the content of this div when a link is clicked.

Let's start with adding a div and specify some ID for it and add some test content.

<div id="data_container">   
   Some test content goes here ...

Then we'll create a JavaScript function div_print() that will get the content of this div element, open a new browser window, assing this html content to it and then call the JavaScript native window print function to print the content

function div_print()
   var contents = $("#data_container").html();
   var frame1 = $('<iframe />');
   frame1[0].name = "frame1";
   frame1.css({ "position": "absolute", "top": "-1000000px" });
   var frameDoc = frame1[0].contentWindow ? frame1[0].contentWindow : frame1[0].contentDocument.document ? frame1[0].contentDocument.document : frame1[0].contentDocument;;

      setTimeout(function ()
      }, 500);


Finally to be able to test this function, we'll create a simple test link -

<a href="javascript:print_div()">Print it</a>

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